Read more in Joomla

Nun da alles läuft, wollte ich mal meine Seite durchstöbern um Stellen zu finden, wo ich noch Links austauschen muss. Dabei bin ich auf folgenden Fehler gestossen: Bei Artikeln mit Read more führt der Link ins Nirvana nämlich zu „404 Komponente nicht gefunden“.
Dies lässt sich umschiffen, wenn man auf der Config Seite „Search Engine friendly URLs“ ausschaltet. In meinem Fall macht dies nichts aus, da es sich nicht um eine komerzielle Page handelt, die um jeden Preis im Netz gefunden werden muss.
Joomla! Config

Plugin gets stuck

While working on a new plugin I tried to reuse components, that already exist.
While testing the plugin froze. You could see it in the debug view by stepping to the reused component. There where no exceptions that tell you anything. Suddenly I had the idea that in the eclipse environment that I started to test the plugin might have something in the error log. Bingo: NoClassDefFoundException. But how could the plugin compile if the resource is not available? The answer is quite simple: I added the needed resource file to the buildpath instead to the plugin dependencies. Therefore at compile time the resource could be found but the plugin knew nothing of the needed resource. When building a plugin never add something needed to the buildpath, add it to the dependencies. Doing this the plugin worked as desired

Getting started with PHP Class Generator Plugin

The Eclipse plugin PHP Class Generator is now about a month up on Eclipse Plugin Central. It was now brought to my attention (thanks Tyler) that documentation is not exactly missing but at least hard to find and you have to know where and how to look. This article should help to shed light into the dark.
„Getting started with PHP Class Generator Plugin“ weiterlesen