Harry Potter and the Third Key

This story starts after the Triwizard Tournament. There is a new Defence against the Dark Arts teacher (Vellum) who shows them the soakstone of Hogwarts (one of the keys) that soaks up all energy thrown at him. She offers fencing lessons and Harry starts to see Parvati.
In a fake duel between Vellum and Harry she steals his magical powers but he remains some and becomes the last mage. To learn more about this forbidden ’subhuman‘ tribe he visits Lucas the only other Mage who is imprissiond for this crime in Azkaban. Harry and Parvati split up because Cho and Harry are not in their dorms at night. Harry drains the Hogwarts key. Before chirsmas Parvati and Hermione are abduced by Wormtail with the help of Sprout. The remaining fifth year Griffindors and Cho man a rescueteam. On their mission Seamus is attacked by a werwolf. Dean transforms to defy it. Both are seriously injured and Ron takes them back (Lavender, Neville and Ginny stayed at the portal in Hogwarts). Cho and Harry manage to rescue them but have to get back via Azkaban. Returning they find out that Ron was killed. In the ensuing investigation it gets out that Harry is a Mage.

The story is not available online, but there is still the PDF available.

So close

So close starts in the summer after Harry’s fifth year. He almost kills himself and is saved by Hedwig. During the following year he and Ginny have several disputes. In the spring Harry lures Voldemort into the Shrieking Shack only to be followed by his friends. He tries to end it by letting Voldemort posses him and try to kill him. Dumbledore stops him in the last minute.
At his next birthday he, Dumbledore and Tonks disappear to defeat Voldemort over the next three years. Dumbledore dies and Harry is cut with cursed blade and will die within a year. He marries Hermione because she wants his baby.
The story can be read online at Schnoogle.
There is also a PDF available.

New Face of evil

This story plays eight years after Was it all enough. Hermione who was Harry’s room mate for the first four years screws up big time by sleeping with him and leaving him the next day for her new job in Venice. Four years after that she comes around, apologises to Harry and everything goes almost back to normal. The company she works for is involved in some dubious drug crimes. Harry takes the company apart and rescues Hermione. He decides to date Ginny and they are both very happy. Draco Malfoy is behind the crimes. For the failures he kidnaps Rons wife and daughter. Harry, Hermione, Sirius and Ron rescue them. Hermione takes up a position in a research program founded by Harry to develop a cure for the drug. To get to Draco Harry deals with Lucius by giving him some of the magic back.
The story can be read online at Schnoogles.
There is also a PDF available.

Was it all enough

This story is the follow up to Extracirrcular Activities. Harry looses with his Qudditch team to Runamia in the finals. Cho takes over managing Harry and gets him such a good contract that also Kristy hires her. They take her up on the offer to visit Paris. From there things starts rolling as Cho takes up with another seeker though she is engaged to Harry. This leads to the breakup.
Harry is back with the Unspeakables and guards a mysterious orb for them. He and Hermione do an Extremely Advanced NEWT Presentation on elemental Magic. During the Beaubatton Ball the orb gets stolen. It is an ancient relict that stored evil power with which Voldemort regains his strength and confronts Harry. In the final confrontation Harry manages to destroy the orb and Voldemort but he and Dumbledore die also. Though Harry can swap with the ghost of Goddric Griffindor so he returns.
The story can be read online at Schnoogles.
There is also a PDF.

Extracircular Activities

This is the sequel to Growing up too fast. R.J. whose real name was princess Rebecca Jane Veganos leaves Harry her assets and her castle. There he and Sirius spend their summer. A muggle family tends the garden, Winky and Dobby help out on the inside. For the family who lost some of their members to Voldemort want to meet more magical people. Therefore Harry gives a party for his friends and Cho.
Back in school he falls for Cho. He is also recruted for the French National Quidditch team. Giants come to visit. Besides all that it is a quiet year since Voldemort is still recovering.
The story can be read online at Schnoogles.
There is also a PDF.