Createing Java Emitter Templates

There are many ways you can go about to produce your Java Emitter Template (JET). During the process of developing my plug-in I gathered some experience that might make the process of creating a JET easier.
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In Three steps to your Java Emitter template

Creating a Java Emitter Template (JET) is no easy feat, but if you have the right infrastructure set up it’s not that difficult.
This article is based on the Java Code Generator plug-in for Eclipse.
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How to debug a Java Emitter template

This is a tricky task. The generation of a piece of code – let’s assume that it is a Java class – is based on a java emitter template that defines with literal constants and JSP like syntax the code of the resulting class. To create a source file a Java generator class is generated from the template. This generator class produces dour output Java source file.
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