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Release 0.0.1 available in Maven repository

Since yesterday the last release of OpenPatrician is also available online through the Maven repository.  For most of you this might not mean anything. For the others, let me point out, why this might be to their advantage:

The OpenPatrician project is split up in several modules. Most of them are at least in their naming specific to OpenPatrician. There are however some few which might be useful:

  • GameEvent: Setting up an event system based on the Observer Pattern. The Event class is subclassed to facilitate more specific needs. There is also the possibility to pass a notice Object along the notify chain.
  • Rendering: Building up on GameEvent for updating the Object to be rendered. The rendering happens in a repeatable manner while the update through GameEvent is asynchronous. It may also be possible to process the update in a synchronous manner, as it would be in a turn based game.
  • OpenPatricianUtilities: As the name suggests these are an assortment of classes and functions
  • OpenPatricianImage: These are utilities focussing on images and image processing. Part of it is specific to the OpenPatrician game, some is specific only in the naming
  • OpenPatricianSound: These are utilities focussing on the sound aspect of the game.

Juni 18, 2014 | Posted in: News