OpenPatrician Blog

HELP needed!

Version 0.4 released

Just in time for the 4th birthday of OpenPatrician I can present the forth release.

The development of this release took one and a half year and much of the work was spent in overhauling the system, which should allow easier integration of new features.

On the UI front these are the main features:

  • Loaners office to allow taking and giving out loans
  • Improved Tavern scene
  • City hall is no accessible, though the offices are still closed
  • Cash is now animated with a coin pile
  • Time is now animated with an hourglass. Clicking on the hourglass triggers the fast forward
  • In game option screen for quitting the game or changing the game speed.
  • German translation
  • Historic data for all ship types accessible through the image in the construction dialog
  • Fullscreen mode that can be activated at startup with a -f flag or switched in game with Ctrl+F
  • Map as Mini-Map

Under the hood this are the main issues addressed:

  • Replace the rendering with JavaFX
  • Improve the test coverage
  • Switch to Spring Java Configuration

For this release 81 tickets were closed. The code itself without any configuration has now more than 70’000 lines. The binary release grew by 33% while the binaries grew by 25% mainly due to new resources.

OpenPatrician requires a Java 7 installation with at least update pack 6 (all subsequent Java releases have JavaFX bundled with is a requirement).

The binary can be started using this command:

java -jar target/OpenPatrician-assembly-0.4.1.jar

On my Windows test system I noted some issues with the layouting of the start page. This can either be solved by changing the size of the window after start or start the application in fullscreen mode:

java -jar target/OpenPatrician-assembly-0.4.1.jar -f


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