As far as I know these two stories are DrTs earliest. They take place in Harrys sixth year – after The Order of the Phoenix.
In Relations we learn that there is a relative on Harrys fathers side after all. To be precise his first cousin once removed – his fathers cousin. Edward Potter was three years younger than James and in his last year at Hogwarts when James and Lilly got killed. He was disallowed to take and even see Harry untill his seventeenth birthday. Events during Harrys fifth year result in his involvement in Harrys life. By that time Edward has become a Warlock and is married to Carol Weasly – the Weaslys cousin. Harry and Ted visit the Weasly farm where an attack by Volemort is in progress. Harry has a good summer thereafter with his friends. Romantic parings between himself and Luna, Ron and Hermione and Ginny and Neville develop. There are several attacks with dementors and zombies. In November Voldemort attacks the school. Harry wounds him badly with a shotgun. After the battle „The Movement of Pure-Bloods“ put on an ultimatum. The ministry acts upon it.
The Price of Peace starts with the yule holiday when Harry, Ted, Hermione and Luna kill Voldemort in a mental battle. The Movement splits in two parts the Political Party and the terror group. The Terror Group attack the Hogwarts Express and kill five students, Ron among them. In the aftermath Fudge is forced out of office. The leader, Regulus Black, of the movement gives up the terror group and Lucius Malfoy.
The stories can be read online at Schnoogle: Relations and The Price of Peace
As always I made PDFs: Relations and The Price of Peace