Colin Litster has a great example of how to create a copper plated roof in his book Blender 2.5 Materials and Textures Cookbook. The the image files of the are available from the publishers website, naturally they are copyright protected, which reduces their usefulness greatly. Furthermore the book gives good details on how to apply the images as textures in Blender, but the information on how to obtain/create the base image is sparse to non existent. Searching the web did not result in any image that would be usable. Therefore I set out to create the images from scratch.
Kategorie: Blender
Book Review: Blender Foundations – The Essential Guide to Learning Blender 2.6
About eight month ago I started using blender. I learned by watching different tutorials and mainly trail and error. Now however I thought a book covering the basics would come in handy. Therefore I selected Roland Hess Blender Foundations – The Essential Guide to Learning Blender 2.6.
„Book Review: Blender Foundations – The Essential Guide to Learning Blender 2.6“ weiterlesen
Modelling 3D feather with blender
Browsing through the links found by google on the issue blender and feathers did not provide me with what I searched. For completeness sake let me list them here in the case it is what you are looking for:
Forum entries and other listings:
- Birds` feathers???
- Need modelling feather tutorial
- Static particle fur library
- Modelling a realistic feather
- Cartoon Montezuma
Ready made feather models:
- Blender Hair/Fur & Feathers (Blender 2.4x)
- Modelling Feathery wings