Compiling for Synology DS509+

This article describes my infutile first attempt to compile a gcc 4 toolchain for my NAS DS 509+. Every step described works, but the endresult are binaries that do not run on my NAS. Never the less, this article may be worthwhile. „Compiling for Synology DS509+“ weiterlesen

Get Civilisation running under Linux

This article describes the steps that you must take to get Sid Meier’s Civilisation running on Ubuntu (Hard Heron). So now I have to clear some things up:

  1. I know that Ubuntu is not Linux, but the process for other distros should be similar enough.
  2. We are talking about the Sid Meier’s civilisation game from 1991

„Get Civilisation running under Linux“ weiterlesen

Wrongfully assigned IP address

If you have no internet connection that may have many causes. I recently had a wrongfully assigned IP address. The computer accesses the internet through a router that assigns an IP address form address range.
The first thing if the connection to the internet fails is to check the connection to the router with a ping. In my case this failed. Executing the ifconfig showed why:
ifconfig -a
The assigned IP was not in the defined range by the router. In fact it was a public IP (this might be a sign that someone unauthorised tried to gain access). It seems the IP was defined static since a restart of the system or the router had no effect.
Here is the solution:
sudo ifconfig eth0 down
sudo ifconfig eth0 up

eth0 is the network interface with the wrong IP. If you are on another distribution than Ubuntu you may not need the sudo to bring the interface down and up again.

Compiling X

While working my way throug the X instalation part of the BLFS I encountered some problems with compiling. The first problem was libXpm in the libriry chapter. It showed that several packages of the app chapter have the same problem.
The problem is something like this:
*.so: undefined reverence to ‚X….‘
this is cause by the missing library libXext. To circumvent this problem I did first the configure part and then took the offending Makefile and added ‚-lXext‘ right bevor ‚-lX11‘ in the variable LDFLAGS.