SVN repository error

In the process of creating a maven release for OpenPatrician the SVN repository got currupted. Though I have no idea how. There were two different error messages:

svn: Checksum mismatch for ‚.svn/text-base/blah.ext‘;
expected: ‚f8d45250f7df5561635854165862fdd8‘,
actual: ‚644f85c4befa671150c5c6ec5fad9885‘

svn: Reading one svndiff window read beyond the end of the representation

The one side which had something to say about this was Andrew Hedges blog. As a result I checkout the version previous to the corruption, commited all the changes to a new revision save the corrupt file. Then I checked the pom.xml which apparently was corrupt in the repository. There I saw that the file was empty. Seems that svn commits do not really follow ACID. I deleted the file in the repo and forced the commit from my workspace, which worked.