Cannot locate spring namespace

When starting my OpenPatrician application from within Eclipse everything worked fine. But when using the assembly everything fell apart. The reason for this is simple, once figured out. I am creating an assembly of all the modules and their dependencies. Should it happen, that different dependencies provide the same resource, say like a manifest file, the first file will end up in the final jar file.

The different spring dependencies define several configurations which I had only part of in the final jar file. These are the files located in META-INF of the spring-…jar files:

  • spring.factories
  • spring.handlers
  • spring.schemas

Now all you have to do is, merge the contents into one file and make sure that is the file that ends up in the final jar file.

To do this I created an additional MetaData module, which is the first dependency in the assembly maven project. That way the files from the MetaData module get picked up.

See also



SVN repository error

In the process of creating a maven release for OpenPatrician the SVN repository got currupted. Though I have no idea how. There were two different error messages:

svn: Checksum mismatch for ‚.svn/text-base/blah.ext‘;
expected: ‚f8d45250f7df5561635854165862fdd8‘,
actual: ‚644f85c4befa671150c5c6ec5fad9885‘

svn: Reading one svndiff window read beyond the end of the representation

The one side which had something to say about this was Andrew Hedges blog. As a result I checkout the version previous to the corruption, commited all the changes to a new revision save the corrupt file. Then I checked the pom.xml which apparently was corrupt in the repository. There I saw that the file was empty. Seems that svn commits do not really follow ACID. I deleted the file in the repo and forced the commit from my workspace, which worked.