There are many ways you can go about to produce your Java Emitter Template (JET). During the process of developing my plug-in I gathered some experience that might make the process of creating a JET easier.
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Schlagwort: eclipse
Effective Eclipse Plug-ins
The architecture of Eclipse and the structural concept of the underling OSGi framework are sometimes hard to combine with „effective Java“ programming as Joshua Bloch propagates it in his book „Effective Java„.
When you want to extend the functionality you must make certain compromises designing your API. This article describes how you can implement functionality with exposing a minimal API.
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Adding context sensitive Help to your Plug-in
For my Code generation plug-in I wanted to add some context sensitive help. Looking for any hints I only found a quick description at Macrobug’s that dates back in autumn 2007 when Eclipse 3.3 (Europa) was the current platform. Following these steps I could not produce any meaningful results. Therefore I figured it out on my own and present my solution here for anyone interested.
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Cannot find extension point
I just fixed some weird behaviour with one of my plug-ins that depend from another one since it uses some extension point. The message was that the extension point in the plugin could not be found. After some search on the net I stumbled upon the Eclipse Wiki Book. All the tips mentioned there did not help. What I noticed though was a bunch of access rules. Among them the following: forbidden */**. So I compared the Manifest file with other plug-ins there I noticed the one with the problem had an entry „Eclipse-Buddy: global“. Removing this line got me rid of the access rules and my problem.
Since all other plug-ins are based on 3.2 and only this on 3.4 I figure that might be the problem.
Remove button to remove itself
This article describes how to implement a table with SWT that holds several rows. Each row contains a button to remove this row.
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