Creating a Java Emitter Template (JET) is no easy feat, but if you have the right infrastructure set up it’s not that difficult.
This article is based on the Java Code Generator plug-in for Eclipse.
„In Three steps to your Java Emitter template“ weiterlesen
Schlagwort: eclipse
How to debug a Java Emitter template
This is a tricky task. The generation of a piece of code – let’s assume that it is a Java class – is based on a java emitter template that defines with literal constants and JSP like syntax the code of the resulting class. To create a source file a Java generator class is generated from the template. This generator class produces dour output Java source file.
„How to debug a Java Emitter template“ weiterlesen
Define access restriction on plugin
In Eclipse it seems to be common practice to define interfaces and hide a concrete implementation in a package under *.internal.*. The actual hiding though is not result of the word „internal“ in the package name but must be specified in the MANIFEST.MF with the exported packages.
There are also further possibilities that can be engaged. For example you can define a package a friend to another package(es) so that only these can access the classes within.
Bundle-SymbolicName: example
com.example.public, // Anyone can access com.example.public if imported
com.example.test;x-internal:=true, // This is marked as internal, but can be used
com.example.impl;x-friends:=com.example.other, // Only com.example.other should access it
This is not part of the OSGi Standard but the Equinox reference implementation.
For further reference see the Article at EclipseZone.
YAAT – Yet another AST tutorial
Although there are several articles and tutorials on and about on how to use Eclipse AST (Abstract Syntax Tree), none was able to tell me what I needed to know. Therefore I decided to write this tutorial with accompanying source code to fill in the gaps.
„YAAT – Yet another AST tutorial“ weiterlesen
Plugin gets stuck
While working on a new plugin I tried to reuse components, that already exist.
While testing the plugin froze. You could see it in the debug view by stepping to the reused component. There where no exceptions that tell you anything. Suddenly I had the idea that in the eclipse environment that I started to test the plugin might have something in the error log. Bingo: NoClassDefFoundException. But how could the plugin compile if the resource is not available? The answer is quite simple: I added the needed resource file to the buildpath instead to the plugin dependencies. Therefore at compile time the resource could be found but the plugin knew nothing of the needed resource. When building a plugin never add something needed to the buildpath, add it to the dependencies. Doing this the plugin worked as desired